Triennial Facilitation Course (January 2020)
Group facilitation. Bringing awareness and growing with diversity

This is a three-year training that will offer a thorough and complete knowledge of process-oriented facilitation, also called WorldWork. It will be oriented to practice and in contact with current reality to facilitate the application of everything we learn.

To formalize the registration, you must fill out this form. You can read the registration rules in this document. The place where the classes will be taught will be La Lleialtat Santsenca, from Barcelona.

If you need more information, you can write to

3-year facilitation training program

For years, Fil a l’agulla has taught introductory courses on facilitation as well as the annual group facilitation course that the next course is now in its seventh edition. The great response and enthusiasm that these formations have received, the demand to deepen more than many participants, as well as the need we see in the current political and social situation to offer tools that help promote solutions that are at the root of the problems and capable of working in a highly polarized environment, it is the one that has motivated us to offer this training.

These three-year studies that we launched are a co-production of Fil a l’agulla and the school of the Institute for Process Work and Deep Democracy, a pioneer institution in training in Process Work and which has international faculty with long experience in teaching and in the practice of facilitation in all kinds of contexts. It is therefore a formation rooted in the territory, enriched with visions and experiences other realities and with an international teaching team with long experience and experience. You can consult the information about the teaching team in this document.

We want it to contribute to the growing need to feed and complement the diverse methodologies and approaches of citizen participation, organizational development and conflict management with a new paradigm that, beyond the search for immediate solutions, can also facilitate the dam of awareness and with it, promote sustainable and long-term outlets to the problems and challenges of organizations, communities, groups and society.

Who is it for and entry requirements

This training is aimed at people who work in group facilitation, conflict management, community, citizen participation, education, organizational development, social change …

Since the training wants to support the development of the interventive practice, the training is aimed at people who are already facilitating or making social, community or organizational intervention. In addition, we also require that people have had prior contact and knowledge with the Process Work.

The admission process consists of a first moment in which the interested person fills out a form and an interview is made with someone from the teaching team. From here, the teaching team makes a decision about the person’s admission to the course. This interview has a cost of 60 euros.

New Creation Training

The training that we are presenting to you has started in January 2019 and there are some aspects that we have just defined in relation to the final part of the training. The forecast is that before the next group begins, in January 2020, all this is already more defined and clear. The pioneer component of this training must be taken into account.


It is a three-year training that will offer a thorough and accomplished knowledge of process-oriented facilitation, also called Worldwork. The training will be oriented to practice, and in contact with the current reality to facilitate the application of everyone who is an apprentice.

What is the Worldwork?

It is Process Work or Process Oriented Psychology applied to small and large groups, communities and organizations, citizen participation, international events and problems related to the earth and the world. It is a new paradigm to understand collective life as well as a body of theory and a practical and effective method to deal with all kinds of situations and areas, such as conflicts, decision making, power dynamics, relationships , vision, creativity and facilitation of meetings.

The basic and underlying principle of Worldwork is deep democracy. Deep democracy is based on the idea that any given situation needs all parties, all people, all issues and all levels of reality to develop their full potential and support the development of the group. In other words, one of the crucial aspects of Worldwork is to focus and bring to consciousness both the most linear and factual part of a conversation or situation and its non-linear, invisible and emotional part.

What topics will be discussed?

The training will consist of six semesters, each one will revolve around a thematic axis. In a transversal way, we will work on the development of the facilitator through internal work, personal work, skills and metahabilitats, the connection with one’s own style and also the antiestil, the awareness of the facilitator’s belief systems and values, among others .

Semester 1. Consciousness in action: what is facilitating?

We will work on the distinction between facilitation oriented towards specific objectives towards the facilitation of conscience and work moment by moment, such as the awareness of high dreams and their relationship with low dreams and hopelessness. We will introduce the idea of ​​“dreaming field”, mythical processes and their importance in accompanying the groups. Finally also the relationship between the inner world and the outside world, and how this relationship is essential to facilitate.

Semester 2. Organizational development and patterns

We will give useful tools and frameworks to work with organizations of all kinds (NGOs, administrations, entities, companies …) around different topics: teamwork, multiple roles, dreams and myths of the organization …

Semester 3. Community building and participation

We will provide a look and tools that make it easier for participatory processes and community creation spaces to gain in-depth, such as Open Forums. We will present intervention models such as the Oasis and the Go Deep that, beyond having specific objectives, are based on the feedback of the system. We will also look at the impact of the past and collective trauma, on the current dynamics of the community, as well as on the myths of the community and “the dream space” or the dreaming of the land of which we are part.

Semester 4. Transformer conflict

We will learn concepts and new ways of looking at the conflict that will help us to be able to rely on their creative and transformative potential and to know how to be in the fire of tension without burning. We will gain understanding about the Altered States of consciousness, the escalation and escalation dynamics of the conflict, the cycles of violence and the dynamics of revenge and mourning. On the other hand, we will focus on the relationship between conflicts and states related to internalized oppressions, internal critics and their typologies, the dynamics of “dreaming up” in conflicts, double signals, role changes, four phases of the conflict and the intergenerational dynamics of collective trauma.

Semester 5. Diversity

We will work on diversity including intersectional analysis, range dynamics, cultural dynamics, stories of oppression, internalized oppression … Also micro aggressions, the diversity of cosmologies (rational versus shamanic) and much more. We will be aware of how social privileges are blinded to discrimination and we will work on diversity related to issues such as gender, desire orientation, race, national identity, functional diversity, among others.

Semester 6. Power and leadership

We will welcome and raise awareness about the different styles of leadership, archetypal processes in leadership, such as superheroes and superheroes and other allies who can help us. We will see the relationship and the importance of managing the dynamics of power and the connection with personal power in order to exercise enriching leadership and that are at the service of groups and communities. We will work on the complexities of power and the dynamics of marginalization. We will also learn to give and receive feedback within hierarchical structures and will raise awareness regarding internal diversity, bias and prejudice when we are in the role of facilitating. We will discover the leadership style and the unique power that each of us has.


The contents of each semester will be treated in several learning spaces:

Training modules: these are formations of two and a half days in a row starting Thursday at sunset and until Saturday afternoon. The semester from January to June will have three modules and the one from September to December will have two. During these modules theoretical contents will be presented, practical exercises will be done in pairs, individually and in groups. They will always be provided by two people and will take place in the city of Barcelona or nearby.
Training days: these are days of a day in which basically the one that is learned in the modules is practiced. They are unique spaces to practice and receive feedback on the learning process. The semester from January to June will have three days and the one from June to December will have two.
Mentoring sessions: the mentoring sessions will be individual and also in a small group, with the peer group. In all cases, mentories are a space in which the person is supported in the integration and application of the contents and tools learned and in the knowledge of the learning process as a student. This space is fundamental, it is where each person can individualize the training according to their needs and follow their own unique path. There will be 1 individual and 2 group mentors per semester.
Individual sessions: it is the space dedicated to personal growth and work with its own limits and personal challenges in the face of new learning. It is a fundamental piece of the training given the importance that the same attitude and presence of the facilitator has for the Worldwork at the time of carrying out its task. Six individual sessions will be held per semester.
Peer group: another very important aspect of training is the peer group. It is a group of between 3 and 5 person students who meet monthly to support and deepen their learning.
Sessions with experts: they will be two-hour sessions in which different experts will share their experiences, knowledge and reflections. The semester from January to June will have 3 sessions with experts and the one from June to December will have 2. These will be scheduled according to the interest and availability of the group.
Supervision and practices: in the second year, if it has not started before, the person will have to start doing supervised practices. In order to complete the training, about 12 practice sessions with groups, communities or organizations and 15 supervision sessions and some hours (still to be determined) of practices in an area outside of which the person usually works should be done.
Final project: at the end of the training a project of practical or research application will be presented, the details are still to be determined.
Exams and evaluation systems: at the end of the training, practical exams will be carried out to evaluate the knowledge, skills and meta-enabled people. The exam areas are still in the process of being determined, they will surely be 6 practical exams.
The course has a minimum duration of 3 years, which will be conditioned to the fulfillment of the requirements. The group that is incorporated in this new edition will join the current group, assisting in the same learning spaces, with their own spaces when it is considered convenient. The new group will start with the content of semester 3 and 4, and end the last year with the content of semester 1 and 2.

The following chart can help you get an idea of ​​the time and implication required. The modules, training days and sessions with experts will have established dates. But mentoring dates, individual sessions and peer group meetings are set by the same person. What is important is to meet the requirement of established sessions.

Semipresencial Training

This formation is blended. The modules and training days are face-to-face. Sessions with experts, whenever possible, will be broadcast live to be able to follow them virtually or in person. Individual sessions, individual and group mentoring, sessions with experts can also be done by Skype.


The training has a total cost of 8,670 euros, which translates into a cost of:

First year: 2,540 euros
Second year: 3,065 euros
Third year: 3,065 euros
From the second year the price increases because supervision begins. Important: this price is based on a minimum of requirements and it must be taken into account that according to the training itinerary the cost may change. In addition, the cost of the final exams, which is not yet determined, must be added to this price.


Price per unit Amount per year Annual cost Cost three years
Enrollment 200 1 200 600
Modules 200 5 1,000 3,000
Training days 80 5 400 1,200
Individual sessions 60 12 720 2,160
Individual mentoring 60 2 120 360
Group mentoring 25 4 100 300
Supervision 70 5 350 1,050
TOTAL 2,890 8,670
Note: in this table the supervision is prorated in the three years, although it will concentrate on the second and third. The cost of the expert session is included in the tuition fee.


The modules are: Thursday from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. With the exception of the last module that will be done on weekends, starting on Friday afternoon. A total of 15 hours per module.

And the training days: Friday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. A total of 7.5 teaching hours.

Module 1 ⇒ January 16, 17 and 18. Taught: Boris Sopko and Mireia Parera
Training day: February 14. Taught: Boris Sopko and Mireia Parera
Module 2 ⇒ March 19, 20 and 21. Taught: Mireia Parera and Andy Smith
Training day: April 24. Taught: Boris Sopko and Mireia Parera
Module 3 ⇒ 14, 15 and 16 of maig. Taught: Neus Andreu and Boris Sopko
Training day: June 12. Taught: Neus Andreu and Mireia Parera
Module 4 ⇒ September 17, 18 and 19. They teach: Boris Sopko and Mireia Parera
Training day: October 23. Taught: Neus Andreu and Mireia Parera
Module 5 ⇒ November 20, 21 and 22. They teach: Gill Emslie and Mireia Parera
Training day: December 11. Taught: Boris Sopko and Mireia Parera

To pre-register, you must fill out this form and make an income of 60 euros, as an interview, to the account number of Caixa d’Enginyers ES97 3025 0011 78 1400028513. You must indicate the name, last name and course you are signing up for . We will contact you to set the date of the interview. It should be borne in mind that in case of not being admitted or admitted, this money will not be returned. The objective of the admission process is to verify and ensure that the objectives, expectations and experience of the person fit with what training offers.

Once the admission process has passed, to reserve the place, the annual registration fee, which costs 200 euros, must be made effective. The pre-registration process will end on December 10. If there are more people admitted than places, it will be selected in order of registration. You can register in this link.

Fil a l’agulla and the Process Work Institute Project