Calendar 2020 Process Work Seminars
28 February-1 March 2020 Seminar: Dreams and memories (Boris Sopko + Neus Andreu) * OPEN TO EVERYONE 2-3 March 2020 Training days (Boris Sopko + Neus Andreu) 8-10 May 2020 Seminar: Tracking down a change (Gill Emslie + Boris Sopko) * OPEN TO EVERYONE 11-12 May 2020 Training days, Gill Emslie + Boris […]
Seminar: Who is chasing me? Dreams, fantasies & memories (28/2 – 1/3 Barcelona)
Seminar: WHO IS CHASING ME? Process work approach in working with dreams, fantasies and memories (February 28 to March 1, 2020) With Boris Sopko and Neus Andreu Barcelona, place to be determined “Once upon a time, I dreamt I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a butterfly. I was conscious […]
Seminar 100% ONLINE: Tracking down the change (May 8,9,10, 2020)
Seminar: Tracking down the change (Gill Emslie Boris Sopko) May 8-10, 2020 100% ONLINE IN ZOOM (due to restrictions by COVID19) * OPEN TO THE PUBLIC An in-depth, process orientated facilitation training for professional facilitators and Processwork students at all levels. In these days many of us are experiencing how tiny […]
Seminar: My Dreaming Body Our Dreaming World: An online training in working with somatic experiences (September 25-27, 2020) – Barcelona
Seminar: My Dreaming Body Our Dreaming World: An online training in working with somatic experiences September 25-27, 2020 (Lilly Vassiliou + Andy Smith) * OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 100% ONLINE IN ZOOM (due to the uncertainty of restrictions by COVID19) Our bodies have a wild uncanny and unpredictable wisdom, unmediated by our thinking minds, […]
Seminar: Inner Resilience for People and the Planet (4-6 December) Barcelona
Seminar: Inner Resilience for People and the Planet A Processwork small and large group facilitation training 4 -6 December 2020 ( training days 7 & 8 December) with Gill Emslie and Lily Vassiliou * OPEN TO THE PUBLIC In these times of climate emergency, social injustice and uncertainty are you called to […]
Thanks to all the people who participated in our activities in 2019
We have spread the Process Work methodology throughout the world and in all the activities in which we have participated at the Institute level and individually each one of us. We have done 4 seminars open to the public, with around 200 attendees from more than 20 different countries and from different entities and companies […]
Jan Dworkin: “Amidst the charged atmosphere on the streets of Barcelona, 75 people from at least 5 countries gathered to tackle the theme of harm and accountability.”
Jan Dworkin: “Amidst the charged atmosphere on the streets of Barcelona, 75 people from at least 5 countries gathered to tackle the theme of harm and accountability. We practiced ways to be accountable for the power we have and to use it well, we repaired relationships where harm had occurred on the personal level, and we worked […]
Registrations OPEN>>Seminar “The Shaman’s gift: Awareness, Attention and Facilitation that connects Worlds” (6th-8th December 2019) Barcelona
Seminar “The Shaman’s gift: Awareness, Attention and Facilitation that connects Worlds” (6-8 December 2019) Barcelona with Andy Smith + Gill Emslie Open to everyone >REGISTRATIONS NOW OPEN< “….. the struggle to be yourself against inner forces and outer rules, determines in part the length of personal life. …. it is a contest with self doubt […]
October 18th, 2019, deadline pre-registration Foundation Year 2020, starting January 2020.
Pre-registration for Foundation Year 2020 now open! Deadline: 18th October, 2019 >FILL IN THE FORM HERE< Foundation Year 2020 This is a complete course designed to delve deeply into the philosophy, theory, meta-skills and methods of Process Work, and their connections with other schools of thought. The program is based on three learning foundations: Learning […]
Make Love Better, presentation of Jan Dworkin’s book, 22nd October, 2019 – Barcelona
On October 22 we organize a presentation of the book “Make Love Better” by Jan Dworkin. It is a text that wants to help build more sustainable relationships and love us better. It will be at La Raposa, feminist bookstore of the Poble-Sec of Barcelona and in collaboration with Fil a l’agulla. It will be […]
Unity in Diversity-Deep Democracy Intensive Course Bangkok \ Thailand (8 day intensive course: 15-22 Oct, 2019)
Join some of our trainers at this 8 Day Intensive Course in Facilitating Large Groups, Coaching Leaders, and Resolving Conflict Individual and Community Dreaming at the Intersection* of Diverse Worldviews and Personal and Collective Histories Start – Tuesday, October 15: 10:00am End – Tuesday, October 22: 1:00pm For those of us who are searching for awareness and […]
We are going on holidays! We return on September 1st, 2019.
We are going on holidays! We will be on holidays from August 1st. We return on September 1st, 2019, we will answer all the messages when we get back. Thanks!