Foundation Year 2023: Informative online session on Monday June 13 at 7pm CET

You can now register for the Base Year 2023 online information session, which will take place on Monday, June 13, at 7 pm (CET) with César Fernández, coordinator Foundation Year . This is a completely designed course to delve into the philosophy, theory, meta-skills and methods of Process Work, and its connections to other schools […]
Interview with Gill Emslie (School of Process Work) and Neus Andreu (Fil a l’Agulla) about the Seminar: «Healing and action, two sides of the same coin. Training at WorldWork»

Thank you for accepting this invitation to tell a little about what the two sides of the same coin healing and action seminar is about in Mura in May.You have joined the Process Work School and Fil a l’Agulla, Gill and Neus,How has this been, tell us a little? Neus: Gill Emslie and I have […]
Online gathering of the Process Work Schools of Spain and Ukraine to listen, accompany, support Ukrainian students in these moments of crisis

A couple of weeks ago our school, through Boris Sopko (director of the Process Work school) and Neus Andreu (from Fil a l’Agulla), gave us the opportunity to attend an online meeting with work students from processes in Ukraine. The objective was to share two hours to listen, accompany, in short, support the students in […]
We open registrations for the «Seminar: Healing and action, two sides of the same coin. Training in WorldWork» with Gill Emslie and Neus Andreu from May 27 to 29, 2022 in Mura – Barcelona-, co-organized with Fil a l’Agulla

In these moments of history we are all necessary. We must go deep, face the difficulty and our deepest fears, as well as our anger and our hopelessness. At the same time, we must take sides and take action to promote changes that make life on earth possible. There is no time to lose. It […]
War in Ukraine, online talk by Boris Sopko, co-director of the Spanish ProcessWork School, Work within the framework of the triennial Facilitation course that we co-organize with Fil a l’Agulla

Last Monday, March 14, Boris Sopko, co-director of the Process Work School, gave us a talk on the war in Ukraine in the framework of the triennial Facilitation course that we co-organized with Fil a l’Agulla, at the that he is also a teacher. From his experience and deep knowledge of the East-West dynamics of […]
„It was my first experience with worldwork seminar outside our Slovak processwork community and it was really exciting experience for me.” L.M Slovakia

L.M. from the Slovakian Porcess Work School, together with almost 50 participants form differents countries, joined our last SEMINAR: Facilitation, Leadership and the Cycles of Life: An embodied skills training, connnecting innerwork and outer action This is what L.B. wanted to share with us after her participation: „It was my first experience with worldwork seminar […]

Este fin de semana pasado ha sido especial y genial encontrarnos online para trabajar ¿Qué puede ofrecer el Trabajo de Procesos en este momento tan crucial en nuestra historia? Un cambio de perspectiva – viendo la interconexión, interdependencia, complejidad, multidimensionalidad del campo que estamos facilitando. Esto lo cambia todo. Los resultados de los patrones históricos […]
We are happy to introduce 3 new diplomates Blanca, Meritxell and Inma into our international community of Processwork Diplomates.

Well, we are already in 2022, from our School we continue to train professional facilitators with the Process Work methodology After closing 2021 with 3 new graduates: Blanca Fariña, Meritxell Martínez and Inma Pascual, who join the list of local graduates, 13 in total. This 2022 we are still determined to grow so that you […]
Happy 2022! Thanks for a 2021 with our ProcessWork School in Spain

Again, we are closing the month of December and the year, goodbye 2021, with a backpack full of new learnings. At the School, 2 new graduates: Meritxell Martínez and Inma Pascual They started in 2012 and 2015, respectively, and wow, what an exciting road, THANK YOU TO YOU! We can only say: CONGRATULATIONS! They are […]
Registrations now open for first seminar in 2022: Facilitation, Leadership and the Cycles of Life. Barcelona + online (Feb. 11-13th, 2022)

Faciitators: Andy Smith & Gill Emslie 11th to 13th Februar 2022 Global warming is a symptom of our lack of connection to each other and the earth itself. Even though we face global climate disruption, structural discimination underpinned by collective and intergenerational trauma, the loss of our dreams and having to face our deepest fears, we […]
Thank you! More than 120 people have participated in our online modules this 2021

We are very happy to take stock of the participation in the online capsules in 2021 and we can say that this format has been consolidated. After the successful reception of the capsules during 2020 to adapt to the pandemic, and present new topics for 2021 at the hands of the teachers of the School […]
Online complementary class for formal ProcessWork students: “LGTB + issues in therapy: a compass to navigate the country of gender identity and sexual orientation”

It was inspiring to listen to Alexandra Vassiliou, not only as a professional and expert on LGTBIQ + issues, but also as an activist and member of the team of our School of Process Work. Being able to access these complementary formations of our formation, with world themes, I believe that it gives us more […]