Pre-registration for Foundation Year 2020 now open! Deadline: 18th October, 2019
Foundation Year 2020
This is a complete course designed to delve deeply into the philosophy, theory, meta-skills and methods of Process Work, and their connections with other schools of thought. The program is based on three learning foundations:
- Learning in community
- Connecting our inner and outer worlds
- Mentoring and individual sessions
Students work in a group context, formed by groups of peers who progress together through the program, as part of a learning community.
This training model accelerates the learning process through the rich exchange of experiences and ideas that occurs in the relational and community environment. The student support network continues to work together between seminars and training days through online learning, sharing groups and conference calls.
Process-oriented facilitation is more than a set of skills. It is a lifestyle of constant learning that connects our inner experiences with the world around us. The program is designed to improve participants’ careers and nurture their personal and professional goals. The creative application of facilitation skills in different areas of interest is encouraged.
The students are guided throughout their studies by an individual facilitator and a mentor. These two relationships are cornerstones for the learning. Through individual facilitation you will learn about yourself and your life process in more personal way and mentor will support you in developing more process work perspective on issues you are dealing with as professional and also in developing practical skills supporting you as professional.
We can recommend Ano base training to you, if you are:
- Interested to get to know yourself more as human being and to live closer to your potential
- Interested in developing a process work perspective on life and its challenges occurring through relationships; being part of groups or communities;
- health issues like body symptoms; altered or extreme states of consciousness and also dreams and fantasies
- Interested in developing many of the skills and meta skills needed in the facilitation of challenging situations.