This July we have traveled to Lakabe, Navarra, to meet in community and carry out the supervision DOJO that is part of the DIPLOMA training in Process Work offered by our School.
Beautiful environment to work in community. And with these wonderful photos we say goodbye and disconnect for a few days until the end of August to recharge batteries and continue with the training activities.
We have worked, among other issues, both personally and collectively, as a community: respect for diversity and different needs, taking care of ourselves – with the example of respect for a student who has chemical sensitivity-, racism, etc.
In addition, we have decided as a School to share a protocol-statement on sexual assault and cluster on the web.
See you again after the summer. Well deserved rest for all. Disconnect to take care of ourselves and reconnect with ourselves.
By the way, many thanks to Clara and the entire Lakabe team, we have felt very well treated, thank you! Until next year…
Photos taken by the participants: